Kalau saya senyum,
Awak mesti senyum sekali,
Kalau kita senyum,
Semua orang berjangkit,
Bila semua orang senyum,
Dunia tiada penyakit...
These baits by Malique and Najwa had really2 made me smile. I would say that this is a really cute song especially for those who love catchy yet cheeky song, I would name this song as one! =) Okay, the lyrics is simple but it makes someone smiles while enjoying the melody. At first, when I heard this song, I laughed. Not because of the melody, but the lyrics seems funny to me. But, do not get me wrong. I am not condemning the song, in fact I am enjoying it. Why? Coz it makes me SMILE. =)
Smile is easy, TAK PERLU KATA APA2...
The end. Thank you! =)
Smile is easy, TAK PERLU KATA APA2...
The end. Thank you! =)