My dad came into my room just now and started looking into my wardrobe and drawers. He was searching for more teddy bears in my room as he had already thrown all the teddies from Kak Ili's room before and some of Wanie's (without us noticing it). I asked him why and he said, "Malaikat Rahmat tak masuk rumah kalau ada teddy bear ni tau! Tak elok simpan, buang semua". I told him that I got no more teddies with me, but maybe Wanie still keep them in her wardobe. Later, I cleaned up my wardobe and I found more and more teddy bears!
Got it recently on my convocation. I thought of hanging it in my car, but I do not own one. So, goodbye... =(
McD's collections --> teapot, dolphin, sheep & Mr Incredible. The tiny yellow one was given by my neighbour. Finally, the cute lil' pooh mermaid which I love so much and I named it as "Yeo Chong Po" (Yeo - Watak Ken in Marmalade Boy; Chong Po - Watak Hero dalam cerita cina yang selalu tengok dekat asrama setiap petang). Keep them?? I wish I can... =(
These are not teddy bears, these are pillows. Old school ni ~~~ But what can I do with them?? They are not comfy to sleep on. Let them go... =(
Wanie's favourite! I bought her the kuma-kuma at One Utama. And the teddy bears --> she used to sleep with them even until secondary school.
My 23rd birthday gifts...
How can I get rid of such a big huggable pinky teddy just like that?? =(
There are 23 of them! I do not have the guts to throw them away... ='(
I told my mom that I want to keep some of my teddies and asked her not to tell anyone especially my dad. I was not satisfied. Bukan ke sepatutnya anak patung yang macam manusia i.e. barbie doll yang patut dibuang sebab ia menyerupai manusia?? I browsed through the internet and found this video by Ustaz Kazim. Alahaiii...
So, the answer is final.
I asked my dad, "Kalau nak kasi orang, boleh tak??". He answered, "NO!"
Okay, goodbye, teddy bears. Semoga Malaikat Rahmat dapat masuk rumah kami, Insya Allah...
The end. Thank you! =)
The end. Thank you! =)