It happens that COVID-19 outbreak allows us to take a break from what we are doing now. The Restriction Movement Order (RMO) announced by the government has given a significant impact to most of us. I take it as a time for me to stay back, put a pause and reflect on things happening way before this moment so that I will be prepared for the NEXT.
When I look back, I realise that my time was taken up most on my work life, lesser on my personal life. After a memorable six years with my previous company, I have decided to challenge myself to another venture and started my career with a new company since August 2019. It was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made so far, it was not easy to be out of the comfort zone; a real challenge it was! Being a person who was not a risk taker and been brought up with very much attention, care and security; I was not used to facing difficulties on my own. All of these scared me. Will I be able to cope with the new role in a new environment? No idea. But somehow I have made up my mind and with the support from my loved ones; I am where I am now. What happen NEXT then?
I can literally say that I spend 3/4 of my time daily to think about work. Really? Really. I am not saying I physically work 18 hours per day but just thinking about it (I dream about work too); it consumes too much of my time, it is the truth! I did not realise it until at certain point of time, work becomes my biggest concern every day. Early morning from waking the kids up until dropping them off to school, I would say, "Let's move faster, Mama have a meeting", "Don't be cranky, Mama got to work", "Please behave yourself, I will meet you soon after I have settled my work". When I got back home, after few hours with the kids, my mind will start planning for tomorrow's work. Again, "Boys, Mama have to sleep now, tomorrow Mama work". My lines are all about my work, work and work. This routine makes me forgot about other important things in my life which I should put my attention to as well i.e. myself, my family and my friends.
The most important things in my life, yet I forgot some times. Sorry, baby...
So, what did I do NEXT?
I changed the way I reacted to things at work. Initially, I can easily get frustrated when things did not go as planned. I wanted minimum mistakes or zero to be exact. I expected problems to be resolved immediately. I was pushing myself to be perfect in everything. But being a perfectionist did not help much with my role now. I got irritated, disappointed, exhausted, tortured and most of the time; I was not happy. I knew I had to do something about it because happiness is essential to me. Then only I started to figure out how to keep myself happy with what I am doing at work:-
- I talk to my family in the morning. Normally the topics will be drawn to, "What's your agenda today? Got meeting?". Not elaborating much on the work, but enough that they know what I am up to. I feel more at ease by knowing that someone is there to listen up to me. Do note that I am so used to get such attention from my loved ones and that makes me happy. Am I an attention seeker? No laaa..
- I settle the tasks which involve others first. I know how does it feel when our work is pending because of other people, so I will make sure that I can assist by all means. I am a wonderful team player if you really know me, but too bad if you fail to notice that haha! Seriously, I feel satisfied by helping out and I am more than happy if you appreciate what I have done.
- I maximise my hours in the office (to think and to act). Everyone is given the same 24 hours every day. Since I am dealing with different portfolios, I have to prioritise my priority. Which comes first, second, third and last? I wanted to do all at one time, that was my strategy before. It was tough, tedious, terrible and toxic! It could be done, yes but I felt restless along the way, I was not happy. Satisfaction was there but not happiness. Now I slowly put a limit to myself in completing a task. I do not rush even I know I could do it. I do not push myself too hard, I give some space and I step back for a while. I do not bring back work matters into my thinking once I am home and I am happier since.
- I eliminate negativity. Yes, this is important! At times, s**t happened, it is normal, right? But honestly, I could not take it before. I took every single things seriously especially when it comes to work related issues. I found myself stuck whenever I dealt with negative thoughts. I would not be happy and it could be seen easily by my reactions. This was not the way, I had to remove this bad element, I thought. How did I deal with it? I filter the information received and always think of the positive side of it first. When I come to work now, I will be least bothered with negative, bad or sad news. Not that I refuse to accept facts but I would be more happy to just ignore it. Ignorance is bliss at this moment. Whoever or whatever irritates me with negativity, I will give a NEXT to it.
I still have lots to do NEXT, especially on my work. But with this RMO, it somehow helps me to think more about myself, my family and my friends. This is the moment where our conscience is tested. I appreciate giving myself a 'break' I actually need, I value the presence of my loved ones especially the kids (they really seek for my utmost attention) and I re-connect with my friends and realise how I miss them badly! Work? Still running in my mind, though! Haha!
Family time, more to come, please!
Let's spend this RMO period at home with our family and keep our bond closer, you will never know what will happen NEXT.
Stay safe, everyone!
Stay safe, everyone!
The end. Thank you! :)