It is November 2010! The year has come to the end and it makes me feel super duper extra nervous as within 12 months from now, I will be getting MARRIED! A lot of things to be done but luckily I have my Darling Fiance who is very much understanding on my situation at the moment (studying + sitting for exams + unemployed). So, he suggests that we should plan everything early and get it done one by one. By mid of 2011, in which I will be on my final semester of study, I shall not be worry too much on the wedding preparation as everything has been done earlier and my concern at that particular moment will be the submission of my Master's Project. It sounds easy, but now as I start thinking, this self-monologue used to pop out in my mind, "Nanti Apa Orang Kata?".
1. Nak buat majlis dekat mana? Hotel? Dewan? Atau rumah sahaja?
Ini perkara yang paling pening nak buat keputusan. Kalau pilih hotel, memang nampak menarik, tetapi memerlukan budget yang besar. So, ia hanya sekadar angan-angan belaka. Kalau pilih dewan, memang menarik juga, tetapi masih ada protokol yang harus diikut. Silap-silap kena buat rehearsal sebelum majlis. Kalau buat dekat rumah, kita setuju sebab itu rumahku syurgaku! Tetapi kalau jemputan ramai, takut mereka tak selesa waiting for turns to eat. Coz lately I had attended some weddings and there were twice when my family and I had to wait for about half an hour just to get a place to sit and eat. After 30 mins, we only managed to find 2 vacant chairs for our parents. Jadi, kami adik-beradik memang tak dapat makan, nak duduk pun tak ada tempat walaupun rumah tersebut ada lebih kurang 16 khemah! Fuuhhhh... Ini maksudnya tiada rezeki untuk kami pada hari tersebut. Sekarang sangat takut betul bila fikir apa orang akan kata tentang majlis kita pula...
Hotel Pan Pacific... Yeahh, dream on, Nana!
2. Tidak mahu hantaran yang macam-macam dan berdulang-dulang...
Isu dulang-dulang memang kadang-kadang serabut fikir. Based on what I knew, pihak pengantin perempuan perlu hantar LEBIH dulang kepada pihak lelaki (mengikut adat orang Melayu). If pihak lelaki beri 3 dulang, pihak perempuan perlu balas 5 dulang. Then, when it comes to tepak sirih or sirih junjung, tiba-tiba memang sendiri rasa tak perlu, bukan ada yang nak makan pun. Tapi, boleh atau tak kalau cakap macam itu depan orang-orang tua especially nenek tercinta? Nanti dikatakan tidak menghormati adat pula. Takut orang kata apa-apa. So, I need to reconsider the things to be given. Ada tak orang zaman kini yang kahwin tak payah ada dulang-dulang? Hmmm, if tak ada, agak-agak ada tak orang kata apa-apa?
Kalau boleh recycle hantaran masa tunang bagus juga..
3. Bunga telur sahaja.
I totally agree with this part! Because I personally view bunga telur as a symbolic item in Malays' wedding ceremony. Even though nowadays we have many other things to be given as door gifts, but for my wedding, I want to have bunga telur. Itu sahaja. Rasa-rasa ada tak orang kata apa-apa?
Well, at this very moment nothing much that I can think of my wedding preparation. Only these 3 items had came across my thought, so I wrote them down in today's entry so that I will not let it forgotten later on. If I were to think of what people will say, nothing can be done actually. So, I have to face the fact that I can not please everyone. Asalkan majlis itu tidak melanggar tuntutan Agama, it will be fine. The most important thing that I want is all my family members especially Ayah, Ibu, Kak Ili, Wanie & Hakam are happy, happy and happy on the day to see me getting married with a guy who I truly love. That is all.
Counting days to my BIG day!
The end. Thank you! =)
Well, at this very moment nothing much that I can think of my wedding preparation. Only these 3 items had came across my thought, so I wrote them down in today's entry so that I will not let it forgotten later on. If I were to think of what people will say, nothing can be done actually. So, I have to face the fact that I can not please everyone. Asalkan majlis itu tidak melanggar tuntutan Agama, it will be fine. The most important thing that I want is all my family members especially Ayah, Ibu, Kak Ili, Wanie & Hakam are happy, happy and happy on the day to see me getting married with a guy who I truly love. That is all.
Tema perkahwinan: SIMPLE YET HAPPENING =)
Counting days to my BIG day!
The end. Thank you! =)